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  • Writer's pictureGab St-Amant

Celebrating Multifaceted Living: Breaking Free from the Niche Trap - Welcome to Gab's Living!

Hey, what’s up? My name is Gab.

I swear I’ve re-done my website, my instagram bio and my initial blog posts more times than I can count at this point. I just want to share my life, my lessons and my thoughts, but there’s all this talk about needing to pick a niche and picking your target audience otherwise you won’t succeed and no one will see your content.

The issue I run into time and time again is what niche do I speak about? I’m a multi-passionate being. How am I supposed to pick one subject?

Do I talk about learning to live a non-toxic lifestyle? Or maybe about gardening and making my own food because I want to live more self-sufficiently? Or do I focus more on my experience with living with chronic pain since birth? Or do I talk about everything I’ve learned about parasites and heavy metals in the last few months? I love motivating people, do I just talk about how to find yourself so people can discover who they are authentically?

How do I pick just one topic? Better yet, how do I pick one audience?

“You need to pick an audience that will relate to you.”

Like I’m a girl in her twenties learning life as an adult, but I also have a 60 year old grandma side to me who loves to weed her garden and finishes her day off with some tea and a sudoko before my early-ish bed time. 

Is my target audience 60 year old gardening grandmas, kids and teens living with chronic pain at a young age like I once did, or women in their twenties learning to create the life of their dreams?

All this niche down and find your target audience bullshit made me feel like I was putting myself in a box when everything that comes with who I am does not fit in only one box. I cannot be just one thing. I am many things in one person and I relate to many different people. 

Moving forward I am talking about everything and to everyone. I am done starting over with my website and social media accounts from scratch in an attempt to perfectly brand myself so people find my content. 

So let’s introduce Gabs Living for the very last time, shall we?

Who is Gab?

I am a 26 year old woman who lives in Ontario Canada which is also where I grew up. If we go back to the very begging of my story, we find that from the very start things did not go too smoothly. Long story short, at birth I got stuck in the vaginal canal and my mom had to have an emergency C-section. During this process I died 3 times because my heart stopped beating. So yeah, not exactly the smoothest introduction to life LOL. 

Anyway, as I grew up my parents noticed that I would do things like cry for no reason and when learning how to walk I wouldn’t catch myself with my hands when I’d fall. Which would leave me with a nice bruised up face. Cute huh?

After pushing doctors over and over, doctors finally started to listen to my parents and ran some tests. This lead to my arthritis diagnosis. In my pre-teens I started seeing a new rheumatologist in Toronto and she was able to specify the type of arthritis I had and which is Psoriatic Arthritis. It’s essentially the same thing as Rheumatoid arthritis, but it also comes with the skin condition called Psoriasis. From that point we were able to find a treatment that was better suited for my specific type of arthritis. That treatment was called Methotrexate which is a type of chemo therapy. For a few years my parents would need to give me my chemo injections every Friday night. 

Listen, I’m not going to go into all the little details. I feel like that’s a subject for another post if people want to hear about it. I just wanted to give you a bit of context to help you get to know me and understand where I come from and why I am the person I am right now.

After years of chronic pain, especially as a kid, there were many difficult experiences throughout my life. All that to say, after many many treatments and prescription medications I have become very passionate about finding ways to feel better and heal naturally. That being said, natural living and health is what you can expect to hear me talk about most of the time on this blog.

Let’s take a second to see what that will look like.

Here’s what you can expect to be talked about on this blog 

  • Gardening and food preservation. Last year I started my very first garden with the goal to grow my own food to avoid pesticides, GMO’s, bacteria, etc. found on the produce in stores. Another reason I want to grown my own food is the unbelievably high cost of living these days.

  • Healing herbs. I am learning about herbs and how they can individually help our health in their own unique way. These are the 2 books I am learning from right now. 

  • Dr. Earl Mindell's Herb Bible

  • Essential Herbs: Treat Yourself Naturally with Herbs and Homemade Remedies

  • Non-toxic living. There are so many harmful toxic ingredients in our soaps, detergents, cleaning products, makeup, and more. My goal is to educate myself on these toxic ingredients and eliminate them by finding good reliable non-toxic companies and also by making my own products. I’ve started making my own surface cleaner which I will link here once I post about it.

  • Chronic pain management and coping mechanisms. Living with pain 24/7 is far from easy when you’re living in a world that does not understand it or consider it.

  • Mind, Body, and Soul. Each of these aspects relate to each other and have a major influence on how healthy they are. I’ve learned that ignoring the well-being of one aspect can negatively affect another. 

  • Lifestyle and habits. Our lifestyle is the biggest contributor when it comes to how healthy we are. Far too often I have fallen into the trap of sliding into habits that negatively impact my health. 

  • Mental health and anxiety. I’ve had a few depression episode in my lifetime with some going as far as suicidal thoughts and going to the emergency for having a suicide plan. I’ve also had my fair share of anxiety attacks and I’ve learned a few ways to sit with it or keep in at bay.  

I’m sure there are more, but those are the main topics coming to mind right now. 

Another goal of mine is to create digital products that will help other individuals struggling with chronic pain or challenging symptoms take charge of their lives because it can be something really difficult to live with and it can leave people feeling powerless. I have two products available right now. I have this free ebook that goes over 5 holistic habits you can start right away and I have the Empowering Wellness Package that helps people take charge of their life by implementing holistic habits and tracking their symptoms.

I’m really excited to continue this journey and sharing all parts of me and my natural healing journey.

Let me know if there are any topics you’d like me to talk about.

Bye for now!

- Gab

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